STEM Education is a national effort and all of us play a role in developing our next generation of innovators and learners. But often, it is the other way around, too: when you and your business partner with education initiatives, education gives back. To your company, your product innovation or human-resource potential with future professionals. Take a look at the ways STEM Futures can help you partner with STEM education and Project Based Learning to Inspire Tomorrow!™

Provide internships opportunities for all grade levels of innovators. Students that intern are more likely to return once they graduate and you provide them with the foundation for life-long learning. Become a partner with STEM Futures today to open up internship opportunities specifically related to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.


STEM innovators love to connect to the real-world. The experience you can provide for them through open-house sessions, hosting of events, or even by sponsoring a student, a teacher or a whole school will prove to be invaluable to them in their entire career. In turn, the exposure for your and your business by partnering with STEM initiatives is invaluable as our little innovators inspire and amaze you. The potential is waiting...are you ready?


Project Based Learning is the 21st Century gold-standard of education. Become a partner to enable students to partake in STEM opportunities. Local events are always happening and you can partner with us to support our local or national school districts. We are eager to hear from you today!


Service Models


In the industry of digital meets education, we strive to support our clients’ evolutionary needs through all phases with customized support. While there may be a multitude of ways to enrich our clients’ organizational goals, we do have a consistent workflow to help our customers become familiar with how consultants can be involved in their business endeavors. Below is a sample workflow to provide with an idea of the steps in our partnership. We will certainly deviate from this path if necessary to best serve a client, but this gives a good picture of the standard process.

1. A typical engagement begins with a Discovery & Strategy engagement usually lasting about 30-60 days.

2. Based on the recommendations from the Discovery & Strategy, we generally enter into the Action Planning.

Action Planning Sessions offer the tools for organizations to take their technology, education, or implementation strategies and projects forward internally.

3. At this point we typically enter into an appropriate retainer relationship where we are kept on as a STEM education partner, focusing on three distinct areas of responsibility; advisory, facilitation, and evaluation surrounding an organization’s STEM education strategy. Our goal with all retainer relationships is to build capacity enabling them to reach milestones and proceed successfully.


Retainer Relationships
Some clients want to engage us to assist them with the implementation of their strategy and specific action plan. In those cases, we make ourselves available to help guide decision making, provide accountability, assist with execution and ensure progress is made. These are ongoing relationships that we develop with organizations who wish to continue to improve their technology practices. Our primary focus will lie in the following areas: Advisory Responsibilities, Facilitation Responsibilities, and Assessment Responsibilities

These responsibilities include: brainstorming, vendor negotiations, troubleshooting, strategic implementation, professional development, and coaching for design sessions.

Project Based Engagements
Clients may need help with an authentic project; we can provide research experts, curriculum writers, training developers, and strategists to empower sustainable outcomes. With project- based engagements, a scope and sequence for allocation of time and collaboration is established with schedule touch points to ensure communication and effectiveness remain consistent. We can integrate seamlessly on projects such as these to assure they are completed on time, on budget, and hit the milestones established in the beginning while creating buy in from stakeholders.

Per-diem Engagements
Depending on the various needs and stages of growth some companies want to include us as subject matter experts, professional development providers, or coaches for business development. Whether meeting your internal business needs or supporting with client facing content knowledge, we offer an array of short term solutions. Our per diem relationships range from 2-hour Keynote sessions to up to 6 hour in person session. Webinars and remote consulting options are also available. Professional development engagements providing training as subject matter experts (SME) with customized curricula or content range depending on depth, breadth, and audience are also available as customized services.